Squash is played on the court, not on a computer screen. But an understanding of the numbers behind a performance can be used to improve chances of success.
The sport has a rich history of talented players and dedicated coaches - and we now have the ability to push the sport further. By analysing rallies, games and matches in ever greater detail, we can identify patterns of play to inform player tactics and improve player performance – from marginal gains to match strategy.
Cross Court Analytics is the first to bring the statistical rigour and objective assessments used by elite teams across the globe to the sport of squash. Just as players improve strength in the weights room and stamina on the treadmill, they can improve game plans on the screen.
At Cross Court, we tailor informed and specific feedback to your needs, handing you the advantage over your opponent before even stepping on court. We’re keen to work with you to bring another dimension to your match preparation.
Find out more about what we can offer —