Collaboration with Phillip Marlowe

Phillip Marlowe (aka. Better Squash) writes an article a day about squash. Yes, you read that right - one article each day. Phillip writes with club players in mind, so if you haven’t already bookmarked his website, get on it now.

Over the next few months, we’ll be collaborating with Phillip to bring some numbers from the PSA game to his pieces. We hope this new angle will give club players fresh insights about the professional game they are trying to emulate, and serves a point of intrigue for those no longer playing.

This first piece looks at the use of height in the amateur and pro games. In short, you may not be using the full height of the court available to you to move your opponent around the court with lobs from the front and lifted drives from the back: Paul Coll lobs the ball almost every third shot when taken into the front corners… Practise sending that ball up, and watch it come down with snow.

In a solo practice rut? Check out Phillip’s training videos on YouTube


Do you volley as often as the pros?


Speaking to SquashMad