Jansher vs Farag - the numbers

As trailed in the final Newsletter of 2023, this year we will be providing written content for the PSA website and social media platforms. In our first piece, we take a look at the numbers behind 5 Jansher Khan matches and 5 Ali Farag matches, adding a new lens through which to view this comparison of two of squash’s finest movers.

I’ve watched plenty of Ali Farag over the past few years, but the Jansher footage was new to me - his ability to control the tempo such that he could practically walk around the back of the court really stood out. He didn’t rush, and wasn’t made to be rushed by his opponents. It reminded me of when Coll went too passive against Asal at El Gouna in 2022: the drop shot rate (1 in 40 shots) in that El Gouna final was similar to the Jansher era too.

But beyond the impressive court coverage, I was surprised to see relatively little in common between Jansher and Farag, given how often pundits draw this comparison. Farag’s keenness and Jansher’s reluctance to volley, in particular, was a real difference in style. The eras in which they play(ed) no doubt contribute to this difference, but, given that Jansher’s opponents were volleying at rates approaching contemporary standards, era alone can’t explain the whole difference.

Oh, and the number of Yes Lets in Jansher’s matches was really amusing. Watching footage from the 90s makes your realise just how much the shape of Interference really has changed.

If you have any historical comparisons you’d like us to tackle with numbers next time, I’d be keen to hear from you: I’m at jamie@crosscourtanalytics.com.


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